Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Still Alive Sheet Music

For the trumpet, anyway. Ask me nicely, and I'll transpose it to another instrument.


AndrewsMind said...

Hey, could you please email this to drewco.australia@gmail.com, as it's not showing up properly. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Is this the melody

Alex said...

I love who ever posted this

Skyler Dache said...

This music is written in A and G. The original keys are D and F. The notes appear to be correct, but there should be an extra sharp in the sections written in A because the key of concert D written for a Bb instrument like the trumpet is E, which is 4 sharps. The operative sharps, in this case, is D#, and since it's not used, there aren't any actual note errors, but I would still write it in E...

Unknown said...

I'm an avid trumpet player and I'm LOVIN IT! Excellent work my friend.